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Marketing, management, logistics, finance
Marketing, management, logistics, finance. It's not often today that you find specialists working at the intersection of these sciences. PAnDiKubiz company is an unusual phenomenon in modern consultancy.

PAnDiKubiz consulting company solves business problems by looking at the enterprise as a whole, rather than as a point in time. Very often the customer only sees the "tip of the iceberg", what he encounters on a daily basis - problems in sales, management or control. Temporary solutions only complicate the situation. And you have to look for the roots of these problems on a completely different plane.

Any change means time, money and, most importantly, inertia, which sometimes takes years to overcome. PAnDiKubiz specialists develop individual solutions that help to change business processes progressively, without burdening the whole system.

An owner, supervisor, manager, or any employee in the daily routine often fails to notice what is becoming a brake on the entire enterprise. Sales problems may require structural changes and logistics issues cannot be resolved without personnel changes.

The lack of a coherent corporate strategy leads to short-term results-oriented marketing decisions.
Modelling situations, determining cause-and-effect relationships, clearly defining problems and finding non-standard solutions are the daily work of top professionals at PAnDiKubiz Cyprus.

PAnDiKubiz specializes in the comprehensive promotion of B2B companies in global markets. We provide professional services for problem and opportunity audits, marketing consulting, strategic planning, and operational policies.

Our clients are companies big and small, and all industries work with us, from start-ups to large corporations.
The backbone of any company is its experience and its unorthodox solutions that lead to success.

We provide a full range of advertising services to help your business reach the right audience. Our advertising experts work across multiple platforms including Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more. We develop and implement strategic advertising campaigns:
- Increase brand awareness
- Attract targeted customers
- Increase conversions and sales

Our approach to advertising includes in-depth market and audience analysis, effective planning, creative content creation and careful monitoring of results. We continually optimise our campaigns to ensure maximum return on your investment.
One of the key aspects of a successful business is a steady stream of quality leads. At PAnDiKubiz Trading LTD, we specialise in creating and managing lead generation campaigns that will provide your business with new potential customers.

- Creation and optimisation of landing pages (lendings)
- Development and implementation of lead attraction strategies
- Setting up and managing advertising campaigns
- Automate lead processing

PAnDiKubiz uses advanced technology and analytical tools to track and analyse data, allowing us to continually improve results and lead quality.
Lead Generation
PAnDiKubiz marketing analyses a customer's current partners and potential suppliers. We expand customer opportunities, look for new contracts and carry out partner due diligence. We study manufacturers who offer high quality products at competitive prices. PAnDiKubiz specialists negotiate on behalf of the client, accompany the deals and conclude profitable contracts.

The case of a trading company: a profitable partnership.
Our client, an electronics retailer, reduced their logistics costs by minimising the cost of shipping goods from various suppliers. This resulted in a reduction of time and money spent on logistics, and increased the efficiency of the entire company. We reduced the risk of delivery losses and reduced the time required to place orders. The company's profitability increased by 7%.

- Conducted a market and needs analysis of electronics manufacturers
- Organized meetings with manufacturers and successfully negotiated.
- Secured contracts for 2 years with favourable terms for the trading company.
- Reduced our logistics costs by establishing long-term contracts and increased profitability by 7%.
Inefficiencies in the logistics system cause frequent delivery delays, claims and losses. PAnDiKubiz specialists carry out an extensive analysis of business processes and identify the main problems. Optimizing delivery routes reduces fuel costs and lowers the cost of transporting goods.

The case of a freight forwarder, a logistics company: growth of turnover.
Our client is a logistics company operating in the international cargo business. As a result the customer's company increased its customer service life cycle by 15%, leading to a 9% increase in turnover.

- We analysed their business processes and identified the problems in cargo transportation
- Propose optimised solutions to improve customer service
- Developed new logistics strategies and ensured their implementation
- Extended the customer service lifecycle and increased turnover by 9%
A multi-factor audit of a company's capabilities allows you to determine the most effective promotion strategies. PAnDiKubiz company's specialists analyse sales markets. We identify countries with high demand and low competition for agricultural products. We carry out preliminary negotiations, connect the customer with local partners and help them to conclude long-term contracts.

The case of an agricultural company: increasing sales.
PAnDiKubiz marketing client is an agricultural company specialising in the cultivation of fruit and vegetables. Our specialists helped the company to increase its sales by 20% and to generate additional income from new business areas. As a result, the agribusiness company significantly expanded its export potential and increased its revenue by 15%.

- Market and competitor analysis and identification of gaps in products and processes
- Develop new methods and techniques to improve quality and increase yield.
- Developed a marketing strategy to promote our products to international markets.
- Increased production and sales and improved profitability
PAnDiKubiz consulting company optimises maintenance and repair processes, implements new technologies and helps to reduce downtime. We have taken a holistic approach, analyzing market needs in terms of operational policies and plant processes.

The case of a technology company: maintenance of complex equipment.
One of our clients was a company that specialised in the maintenance of medical equipment. The company has reduced maintenance costs and increased the number of clients by 12%, resulting in a 20% increase in overall revenues.

- Conducted a market and customer needs analysis
- Optimised solutions to improve service quality.
- Developed a marketing strategy to attract new customers
- Increased sales and extended client base.
Sophisticated equipment. Servicing.
The textile market requires constant monitoring, scrutiny and analysis. Fashion, preferences, living standards and needs are changing. Clothing firms are changing production processes and replacing outdated equipment. PAnDiKubiz consulting company analyses textile suppliers and tests product lines with the help of narrow focus groups.

Case of a textile mill: increasing product exports.
Our client was facing the problem of insufficient demand. It turned out that products with unique design, sewn from natural fabrics, were especially popular in the international market chosen by the customer. Based on PAnDiKubiz's research, the company changed its product range and positioned its products for a different target audience. Result: The customer increased exports of the company's products by 25%.

- Carried out market and competitor analysis and identified problems in their production processes.
- Proposed new methods and technologies to increase quality and reduce production costs.
- Developed a marketing strategy to increase sales and attract new customers.