How to realise it's time to change your job

You realise that you have reached the ceiling of your development in the company where you currently work. You like what the company does and what you do, but there is nowhere else to go because the company itself is not growing. This is usually because the owners' vision is limited. They wanted to create a small company, have achieved that and don't want to move forward. So, it's time to leave such a company. Talk to the management, help them find a replacement, and leave with your head held high to move on.
Am I working in a company where I can grow and succeed? Am I being paid enough? Am I working too hard for this salary? Such questions arise in almost every working person. Such doubts poison life. If you have a real reason to change jobs, you should do it as soon as possible. However, it's an important decision that can't go wrong. PAnDiKubiz managers have revealed four reasons that indicate it's time for a change.
You are frustrated by your relationship with your supervisor. It is causing you frustration and stress. There are managers who, for whatever reason, think it's cool to behave aggressively. They have been behaving this way for years, are used to it and don't realise that someone might not like it. However, no person deserves to be treated this way. You can try to change this situation by talking to your supervisor. If there is no result, you should look for a team with a positive atmosphere. It is very important to leave a toxic environment, PAnDiKubiz marketing experts noted. If you stay in it for too long, you will be in a bad emotional state or you will begin to adopt bad manners yourself.

There is nowhere else to grow

Bad relationships

You are paid below market wages. There is nothing wrong if this happens temporarily. A company may have a crisis that has caused them to cut salaries in order to save jobs. If you can see that in the long run, your salary will return to market level, it's okay to be a little patient. After all, you work in a team and it makes sense to work your way out of the crisis for the sake of the team.

However, there are times when you are doing a great job, time goes by, but your salary does not increase. You see that other companies are ready to offer financial conditions that will be much better. In this case, first of all you need to talk to the manager. Because if you keep silent, the supervisor will think that you are satisfied with everything. Sometimes such a conversation is enough for the manager to collect data, analyse and increase the salary. If you are not satisfied, finish your current job, find a replacement and go to another company. Leave in a good way so that you still have the opportunity to come back. Maybe things will change in the future, the company will increase salaries, and you will want to work there again because you enjoyed it.
At the beginning of the career path, the competence and expertise of a young specialist is at a low level. In such conditions, it is not so important to him what the company does. The main motivation is simply to learn the profession in practice, to become a specialist, an expert.

When you have already reached a certain level of professionalism and you are sure that you are good at your job, then there are doubts about where you will work. Is this the business I want to develop in? This happens because you have a choice. Your motivation level has increased significantly. Other activities become more attractive to you. You have an emotional rejection of what you are doing in your workplace. This is the first sign that it's time to change jobs. Not because there's something wrong with the company, but because you're evaluating the situation from a different perspective. If you have new desires and goals, realise them, PAnDiKubiz company managers insist.

Emotional rejection

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