Self-Presentation. How to Succeed in an Interview
Even self-confident super-specialists, geniuses and sought-after professionals fail interviews and present themselves poorly. No one is immune to mistakes. It is quite difficult to communicate with potential employers, investors, customers and prospective partners in a calm and measured manner. What to say about those who are just starting their job search, have little experience and a weak portfolio.

Self-presentation, a story about yourself - this is something that should be prepared and well rehearsed before the interview. Some people find it easy, while others, on the contrary, lose confidence during business meetings. We are all different. Very often "impostor syndrome" and doubts about our own competence do not give us a chance to reveal ourselves and show our best side.
Perhaps our advice will seem banal and simple to you. But we want to draw your attention to an important stage of preparation for the interview. Emotional.

First impressions
"No improvisation comes as well to me as the one I have been preparing for three days" (Mark Twain).

"Tell us about yourself" (or "Introduce yourself"). Without preparation, it is difficult to respond to this simple interviewer's suggestion. Let's be honest - impossible. Do you know why? You must speak briefly and succinctly about yourself! In essence, without straying, without forgetting what you wanted to say. Presenting yourself, your achievements and skills. You should have a clear plan of answer, or better - memorised phrases. PAnDiKubiz consulting company conducts dozens of interviews every day. Our specialists know that often candidates for this or that position fail interviews because they cannot cope with excitement, confusion, stress.

The interviewer compares the candidate with other applicants, so during the brief first interview you should open up as much as possible and show yourself at your best.
You must be memorable!
Wear a funny hat, sing a song, recite a poem..... If it's appropriate, do it. During the interview, it is important to be able to stand out. In context, in one phrase, so that the interviewer remembers both the candidate and the conversation itself. Vivid descriptions, interesting comparisons, funny situations. The aim is to arouse interest, associations with something. The name of such a candidate becomes recognisable among the questionnaires of other applicants.

Product. You're selling yourself
Picture the situation. In front of the interviewer is a stack of CVs that look pretty similar to each other. What makes you different from the others?

You can use one of the self-representation structures.
Start the meeting by telling what you can do, what skills you have. Then describe in detail your education, level of qualification, smoothly leading the conversation to your (one!) major life achievement (personal or professional). Talk about the challenges and how you overcame them. At the end of the interview, it is important to make a logical conclusion that it is your type of personality, the kind of person who will be able to cope with the challenges of the position being discussed.

The B.E.A.T. structure is a pretty powerful weapon in a competitive situation. Start your story with your background and education level. Describe what has shaped you as a person, influenced you, fuelled your career development, and developed your skills. Talk about one of your "talents", something you bring to the company. These can be either professional skills or personality characteristics.
R.R.R is the easiest option for self-presentation. You start with your past (education, experience, suggestions and realisations), then move smoothly to the present and your place in it. You can finish this self-presentation by telling about your future plans, what you can give to the company that will hire you.

Incorrect or uncomfortable questions
To test your reactions, the interviewer may ask some rather pointed and uncomfortable questions during the interview. Do not be intimidated or embarrassed. They may be trying to throw you off balance and see how you behave in a difficult situation. Take a pause, think not only about your answer, but also about possible further dialogue. Ask a specific clarifying question ("Did I understand correctly, you want to know about..."). Or take the initiative and turn the conversation to a similar topic.

Try to get feedback after every interview, even unsuccessful ones. If it doesn't affect your self-esteem, make an audio or video recording, asking the other party's permission beforehand. This way you will be able to look at yourself from the outside, work through problematic issues again, and eliminate shortcomings. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - it's normal.

Going to the interview with PAnDiKubiz consulting company
Remember that a job interview is not a confession, but a meeting of two equal parties, where any information can be presented in a favourable way. Learn to speak unashamedly about yourself. PAnDiKubiz company works with candidates of different levels, prepares for technical and presentation interviews. We will identify your strengths and teach you how to answer questions effectively, demonstrating professionalism and self-confidence.

The PAnDiKubiz consulting company's team knows that preparing for an interview is an important part of the job search process. We share our knowledge and experience, adapt our counselling schemes to individual customer needs, and simulate real-life situations.
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