You must be memorable!
Wear a funny hat, sing a song, recite a poem..... If it's appropriate, do it. During the interview, it is important to be able to stand out. In context, in one phrase, so that the interviewer remembers both the candidate and the conversation itself. Vivid descriptions, interesting comparisons, funny situations. The aim is to arouse interest, associations with something. The name of such a candidate becomes recognisable among the questionnaires of other applicants.
Product. You're selling yourself
Picture the situation. In front of the interviewer is a stack of CVs that look pretty similar to each other. What makes you different from the others?
You can use one of the self-representation structures.
Start the meeting by telling what you can do, what skills you have. Then describe in detail your education, level of qualification, smoothly leading the conversation to your (one!) major life achievement (personal or professional). Talk about the challenges and how you overcame them. At the end of the interview, it is important to make a logical conclusion that it is your type of personality, the kind of person who will be able to cope with the challenges of the position being discussed.
The B.E.A.T. structure is a pretty powerful weapon in a competitive situation. Start your story with your background and education level. Describe what has shaped you as a person, influenced you, fuelled your career development, and developed your skills. Talk about one of your "talents", something you bring to the company. These can be either professional skills or personality characteristics.