
Conducting research. A reputation audit
Finding new partners in a country thousands of miles away no longer seems like a daunting task in the age of internet and mobile communications. Negotiating, writing letters, choosing goods, bargaining and haggling over prices can all be done without moving from behind a desk. But, when signing long-term agreements, it is advisable to be 99.9% sure that your partners are honest. You want to know that there are "real" people on the other side of the screen and that they have a real and tangible commodity. Who are these people? Are they successful in their market? What is known about them?
Checking a counterparty's reputation, or rather auditing it, is not an easy task. The company website and a few references in industry directories - that is the maximum information that a client comes to us with. More often than not, reputation appraisal consultancy and partner search services are required urgently.

Reputation indicators are dynamic and subject to rapid changes depending on the economy, sector and area of operation of a company.
A reputation audit:
  • search for suppliers and partners
  • reputation audit
  • evaluation of cooperation prospects

When assessing the perspective of cooperation, the most frequently considered are: quality of management, ability to attract and keep qualified specialists, quality of provided services and products, financial stability of the company and profitability of its assets, social and innovative orientation, investment attractiveness, orientation and use of the social responsibility concept.
In order to avoid surprises and wrong decisions, it is important to consider such systemic components of the company as ethics in relations with partners (external and internal), corporate governance, management efficiency and reputation of top management, quality of products and services.

Monitoring the terms of the deal:
  • verification of stated delivery times
  • verification of price/performance ratio, actual prices and availability
  • optimisation of delivery chains according to supplier distance
  • elimination of unprofitable intermediaries
  • payment methods and delivery frequency

Choosing a partner often becomes a strategic decision, and in the pursuit of a long-term relationship, mutual trust in each other comes to the fore. If the search for a supplier is based on tactical considerations, the partnership is analysed in terms of competition in the market. Offers with a better price/performance ratio are considered. A stable and reliable supplier is needed in the case of unique services and niche offers and products.
Reputation marketing:
  • market trend analysis
  • market research
  • reputation management

By studying a company's reputation, PAnDiKubiz marketing specialists analyze its current financial situation, assessing key financial indicators: balance sheet, income statement, net profit, profitability, current assets and short-term liabilities.
We analyse: a company's website history, information about it on online platforms, media publications. We evaluate information about the company, its history, products and management. The personality of the manager, his leadership and business qualities, his professionalism have a big influence on the reputation of the company.

PAnDiKubiz company has developed its own methodology for evaluating a company's performance, based on the analysis of key reputation indicators. Indicators on which PAnDiKubiz audits a company's reputation

  • current financial condition of the company
  • dynamics of financial indicators
  • availability of company information
  • quality of goods and services
  • business qualities of a manager
  • national market success
  • management quality
  • product quality
  • financial sustainability
  • asset performance
  • development investments and investment attractiveness
  • use of new technologies
  • ability to attract and retain human resources
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