
Developing a comprehensive advertising campaign strategy
The market is a living organism; consumer behaviour, preferences and habits have a huge impact on business. Where once it was possible to talk about the plans of a business for months and years, today it is necessary to constantly adjust its structures to spontaneously changing external factors. In the age of digital transformation, any marketing strategy is a kind of derivative of the entire marketing mix.
Competitive advantage is, first and foremost, a timely response to the situation and unconventional approaches in promotion and advertising. With this in mind, even if you offer a high quality product to the market, you are likely to lose out in the competition. It will not be recognised, it will not be understood, it will not be noticed. Incorrect decisions about products and their promotion lead to unnecessary costs, loss of image and investment.

An advertising strategy is the main way to achieve business goals. In order to draw attention to a product, make it popular, and sell it, PAnDiKubiz consulting company's specialists create custom advertising and promotion solutions.

PAnDiKubiz conducts in-depth market analysis and audits of the client's products to understand their key features, to identify what distinguishes them from their competitors' products. This helps to identify the target audience and the channels through which you can effectively deliver information to consumers.

A comprehensive advertising strategy is one of the most important tasks for any business. It allows you to define the basic goals and objectives of the company in terms of advertising, choosing the most effective promotion channels, as well as planning the budget for advertising campaigns.
PAnDiKubiz develops a comprehensive advertising campaign strategy:
to promote a new product for which there is not yet an established demand
  • if sales occur "in a few taps" with limited customer interaction
  • if the company is preparing to enter a new market in another region
  • if a new segment of the target audience is of interest for promotion
  • if the aim is to increase coverage and brand loyalty

When developing advertising strategy we consider many factors: the client's budget, competitive advantages of the product, market situation, as well as the needs and interests of the target audience. Based on these, our experts develop an individual action plan that includes a variety of advertising tools, such as
  • Advertising in social networks - creation of Instagram, Facebook advertising campaigns based on the interests and behaviour of the target audience
  • Contextual advertising - display ads on Google search engines based on keywords and user interests
  • Targeted advertising - setting up targeting advertising on Google, Instagram, Facebook based on age, gender, interests and other parameters of the target audience
  • Media advertising - advertising on TV, radio and other media platforms
  • Promotions and events - carrying out promotions and events to draw attention to a product or service
One of the key steps in developing a comprehensive advertising strategy for a company is to analyse its target audience. Our specialists determine the potential clients of the client company, identify their needs and channels of communication which they prefer. Based on this analysis, we make recommendations and calculate the advertising budget for the most effective promotion channels. This attracts the attention of potential clients and increases brand awareness.
When developing an advertising strategy for the client's business PAnDiKubiz consulting company:
· compiles a profile of the target customer
· conducts an analysis of the current market situation,
· identifies competitors and analyses their activities
· conducts marketing SWOT analyses
· investigates sales channels
· develops an individual plan of promotional activities
· proposes short, medium and long-term business goals

Further work to promote the customer's business usually involves content marketing. We help companies to efficiently allocate resources and achieve the best results.
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